Travel Booking Apps: A Growing Market

Travel-related companies have recognized the market potential of mobile apps, and travelers are taking advantage of these booking options.

Any savvy traveler knows that booking a flight or hotel is much like shopping at a street market. Vendors are going to have the same product – maybe slight alterations and an added compliment or two – but at the end of the day, you are leaving with that same souvenir sweatshirt, whether you paid $35 for it or $10.

Or, rather, you are going to get your flight, whether you pay $300 for it or $150, and hopefully the deal includes your in-flight meal.

Finding the Best Deal

There are plenty of travel app options to explore deals.

There are plenty of travel app options to explore deals.

Travelers have searched for that magic time to buy plane tickets, and booking hotels is a whole different game. Throw in the dynamics of international travel, and consumers can easily become exhausted while searching for that best deal.

In recent years, though, many companies have gifted travelers with an added outlet to scour for potential savings: mobile apps.

Travel Booking Gone Mobile

Researchers at Criteo released a 2014 flash report, and the report further confirmed the direction that mobile bookings have been trending:

  • Mobile bookings are growing faster than desktop.
  • Apps have potential to reach new customers.
  • Mobile advertising can increase conversion opportunities.

This means that any travel-related company must optimize for mobile if it plans on remaining relevant in today’s travel market. Continue reading

Adobe Color: Capture the World in a Palette

The Adobe Color CC app on your iOS devices allows you to easily create a color palette from a picture or your live camera. Simplicity guaranteed, possibilities endless.


The ever-expanding Adobe software collection does not fail to disappoint with its industry-leading titles like Photoshop and InDesign. One corner of the Adobe collection, though, has been overly underused.

Adobe Color, previously Adobe Kuler, is Adobe’s color-management software that allows users to create and share color palettes with the world. If you lack the natural instinct of what colors go together, like myself, Adobe Color has you covered.

Recently, I found a hidden gem of the Adobe Color options: an app for Apple devices that gives you the power to pull palettes from any photo, or even from your live camera. What is this magic? Continue reading